On the 18th March 2021 the world lost my dear old friend and musical supporter of many years, Nial Judge. Amongst many other things, he left a small collection of musical instruments and as part of a group of his close friends and family I am delighted to announce that in memory of him these instruments are now available for loan through the NIAL JUDGE LEGACY LOAN SCHEME. We have a range of instruments to go out on loan to anyone in need or who would like to learn. Please contact me for further details if you are interested in being part of the scheme.
Instruments available:
Violins (Lots of them! in a range of sizes and suitable for beginner, improvers or more experienced players)
Applachian Dulcimer
Beginners Nylon String Guitar
B/C Galanti Button Box
Available soon! Instruments currently in for repair/tuning (please contact me for further details)
1 row Cajun Hohner melodeon
Scandalli Accordion

I met Nial in 1992 when I was the Saturday girl at Dave Mallinsons Music shop in Cleckheaton where he was the shop manager and we quickly became firm friends.

As well as being an all round ‘top bloke’ Nial was particularly supportive of my musical endeavours, lending me a fiddle and viola for many years when circumstances meant I did not have one myself. He was very generous with his instruments, often doing up old instruments just to lend out to folks wanting to learn, or fettling their instruments so they could learn to play. It seems only fitting to announce the launch of the NIAL JUDGE LEGACY LOAN SCHEME in his memory. It’s just the sort of thing he would have loved.
R.I.P. Nial.