Specialist leather goods, repairs and restorations.

Specialist bagpipe bags made to order (prices from £90)

Concertina case repairs and restorations – please contact me for a quote.

Concertina case repairs and restorations

Bespoke handmade boots and shoes – (prices from £200)

Bespoke handmade shoes
Bespoke handmade boots


“Thankyou so much Becky for repairing my favourite gig boots! An incredible stitching job and all done in one day, with boots returned by post! Am absolutely delighted and highly recommend to all!”

​E. Hayes, 6th March 2023

Hand stitched dog collars and other leather goods (prices from £15)

Bespoke handmade dog collars and other leathergoods

Glasses wraps (prices from (£15) – very useful alternative to bulky conventional glasses cases. Perfect for readers or sunglasses or just everyday wear glasses. Good range of colour options available – please contact me for further details